The Parent’s Bedroom

Where’s the bathroom?  Some of the objects in this room met the needs of the pioneers, before indoor plumbing!

Does this look like your bathtub?  In the 1800s, since the Johnson family didn’t have running water, they would have to heat up water over a fire.  Then they would put a small amount of water in the bottom of this tub.  A small child might be able to sit down, but adults would stand in the tub.  Using a towel or sponge, they would be able to clean themselves and let the water run back into the tub.

The pioneers made their own soap, using the ashes from the fireplace, to make lye.  Lye soap is very harsh on the skin, so it was a good thing that bathing didn’t take place very often!

Instead of a bathroom with a sink and running water, the Johnson family had washstands in each bedroom.  Water was brought in from the pump or well in the pitcher and poured into the bowl.  The water in the bowl then could be used to wash up.